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Tips for online college
oleh asd fgh (2022-09-05)
MeresponBlog zombie
Powerful Tips to Keep Online Lectures Fun and Effective
For the past few months, we have been advised to keep our distance from other people. This is done to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia. As a result, many activities are eventually suspended and carried out at home. One of them is work activities and online lectures.
Who would have thought that in 2020, we would not be able to study together with other friends. It feels strange and bored with sudden changes like this. Surely you also had time to feel some of its own challenges when doing online lectures. Such as limited quotas, signals, lack of focus, difficulty doing assignments, difficulty communicating with lecturers or group friends and others.
Eits, don't let you miss the lesson, you know! Especially until the value drops! You can start getting used to studying online, you know. Do some of the lecture tips below so that your online lectures are still fun and effective even though they are done online. What's the matter? Let's see the explanation below!
Work from Home = Holiday? Very wrong!
Illustration of online lecture at home
online college - The loss of most activities outside the home makes us feel like we are on vacation. Even though your activities remain the same as usual, you know. It's just done in a different place and atmosphere. In fact, there are some students who think that when we study online, it becomes even more difficult because of the many assignments. So studying online at home doesn't mean being lazy, you know.
This holiday perception will also make you lazy to do activities, guys. Not to mention being tempted to lie on the bed, it's certain that your work will be even more delayed! Start eliminating perceptions like this, so you can stay excited and productive while running online lectures.