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Technology during a pandemic

oleh asd fgh (2022-08-12)

MeresponBlog zombie

Since it was announced by the government in March 2020, Indonesia is still struggling to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. So that all elements need to encourage social restriction initiatives not only on a large scale but also locally.

One way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is by implementing restrictions starting from government agencies to the general public in carrying out activities. The existing restrictions certainly have a considerable impact both in terms of economy, social, education, health, and policy. Including services to the community carried out by government agencies to be limited and not run as before.

These problems arise and force all lines of society to be able to innovate and take advantage of existing technology, especially information and communication technology (ICT). ICT has become a lifestyle and also a major need in facilitating the implementation of activities. With ICT, community services can be carried out anywhere and anytime. The current Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to the term Work From Home (WFH) which means carrying out activities or working from home. WFH is not a reason for someone to delay work and not carry out their obligations in providing services to the community.

The demand to maintain distance and reduce mobility during the pandemic prompted the Yogyakarta State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) to launch kpknljogja.id where service users/community can access services via mobile phones, computers, or other gadgets while staying at home. Utilizing existing Technology, the public can apply for services in the fields of State Asset Management, State Receivables, Auction Services, Appraisal Services and virtual consultations.

Initially, some service users who are not familiar with the internet will find it difficult to access and apply for services. However, with the current conditions, utilizing online services (e-service) in providing services to the community is the best solution for all parties.