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How to Answer Difficult Questions

oleh asd fgh (2022-06-29)

MeresponBlog zombie

Steps to Answer Questions You Don't Know the Answer to Or Don't Want to Answer in a Presentation Q&A Session

When you have finished your presentation, then of course you will face a question and answer session. In that question and answer session, your audience will ask some questions that they will ask. There could be a dozen or so of your audience raising their hands to ask.

There are some questions you can answer easily. However, there may also be some questions that you admit that you don't have the answers to or don't want to answer. That's the question you dread.

These questions could relate to features in a new product release, the timing of a funding event such as an initial public offering (IPO), or commentary on some recent newsworthy event that is a politically hot topic. .

In a situation like this giving a clear and direct answer may cost you in some ways. So the real question is how you can respond in a way that maintains your credibility and satisfies the questioner.

howtoanswer.net - The good news, Matt Abrahams who is a teaching Professor at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business where he teaches two very popular classes related to Strategic Communication and Effective Virtual Presentation explains that there are several steps you can take to answer this question.

Sharpen the focus of the questioner's question. So that you can get easier questions in the next question

Well, you can sharpen the focus of the question from the questioner. The way to focus the questioner's question is to lead the questioner to give the next easier question. The first thing you should do is to respond to difficult questions with positive answers. Well, this positive answer will later lead the questioner to ask questions that you can answer easily.