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Benefits of eggs

oleh asd fgh (2022-03-13)

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Maintain eye health
Eggs contain the two antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. The lutein and zeaxanthin you get from eggs normally collects on the retina and protects it from sun damage.

Some old studies also show that lutein and zeaxanthin help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Both are diseases that commonly cause blindness in elderly patients.

Maintain brain health
Eggs contain choline, a B vitamin-like substance that is important in brain development during pregnancy. In human brain cells, choline accelerates the release of proteins needed in memory formation and several other brain functions.

Studies show that people who get a lot of choline intake tend to have better cognitive abilities and memory. The easiest way to get the benefits of choline is to eat eggs every day.

Lowering bad cholesterol levels
Eggs do contain cholesterol. Cholesterol intake that you get from food usually does not increase blood cholesterol levels. On the other hand, eggs actually help balance your blood cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol in eggs actually has the benefit of converting bad cholesterol into other, healthier forms of cholesterol. A study in the British Medical Journal also proved there was no relationship between eating eggs and the risk of heart disease.

Help reduce the risk of heart disease
health benefits of eggs - In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, eggs can increase the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) known as good cholesterol. People with high HDL are usually at lower risk for stroke and heart disease.

The nutritional content of several types of eggs is also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids which can lower blood triglycerides. Reducing triglyceride levels will prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels which is the forerunner of heart disease.