Analisis User Interface (UI) pada BRIMO (BRI Mobile) menggunakan Pendekatan Metode Pengembangan System Usability Scale (SUS)

Naeli Fitria Rokhmawati, Amalia Beladinna Arifa


Abstrak: BRImo memiliki berbagai fitur dalam aplikasi keuangan digital. Tujuan adanya BRImo untuk memudahkan pengguna melakukan transaksi tanpa ke kantor BRI. Salah satu kelebihan BRI mobile yaitu pengguna dapat bertransaksi untuk menggambil uang tanpa memakai kartu ATM akan tetapi, menggunakan aplikasi BRI mobile yang terdapat di smartphone masing – masing pengguna. Kenyataannya BRImo sering mengalami error berdasarkan ulasan pada Google Playstore dimana memiliki rating 4,5 dari 5. Selain rating, user juga memberikan banyak ulasan negatif dibandingkan ulasan positif. Dengan masalah tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kualitas tampilan User Interface dari aplikasi BRImo menggunakan pendekatan metode pengembangan System Usability Scale yang melibatkan 30 responden dari kalangan masyarakat umum yang menggunakan BRImo. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang telah disebarkan, aplikasi BRImo memperoleh skor SUS diatas rata – rata yaitu 69.83 artinya apabila di interpretasi melalui 4 sudut pandang, BRImo ada pada grade D, secara adjective tergolong “OK”, acceptability tergolong “Marginal High”, dan secara NPS bersikap passive.

Kata kunci: Analisis, BRI Mobile, User Interface, System Usability Scale (SUS)

Abstract: BRImo features various functionalities within its digital financial application. The purpose of BRImo is to facilitate users in conducting transactions without visiting BRI branches. One of the advantages of BRI mobile is that users can withdraw money without using an ATM card; instead, they can utilize the BRI mobile application on their respective smartphones. However, BRImo often experiences errors as indicated by reviews on Google Play store, where it has a rating of 4.5 out of 5. In addition to the rating, users also provide more negative reviews compared to positive ones. With these issues in mind, the objective of this research is to assess the User Interface quality of the BRImo application using the System Usability Scale method, involving 30 respondents from the general public who use BRImo. Based on the distributed questionnaires, the BRImo application obtained a SUS score above average, specifically 69.83, which implies that when interpreted from four perspectives, BRImo falls into the "OK" category, with acceptability being "Marginal High," and in terms of NPS, it exhibits a passive stance.

Keywords: Analysis, BRI Mobile, User Interface, System Usability Scale (SUS)


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Diterbitkan: 2024-01-30


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